My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thank you Brooke for taking a chance in writing Dangerous Temptations. Some are opposed to reading about cheating. After reading it, I did not see the characters as awful people. Just like in a lot of situations, there are several sides to the story and see why and how they feel the way they do.
Mac is such a great character who went through so much in her past and now trying to better herself. She did not get to experience a normal childhood or get a lot of things easily in life. Mac never really had serious relationships, so there was so much she was unsure about or what she should want. Alex grew up privileged, being told how to carry himself, groomed to how his future is supposed to turn out. Alex is very domineering and very determined, but also had the best intentions throughout the story.
With a lot of Brooke's stories, there is no lack of the hotness factor, and it was muy caliente! I always look forward to the releases of her novels and this was another one that was difficult to put down. Great job Brooke!
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